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What To Do After You Have Experienced Roof Storm Damage

Strong winds, heavy rains, sunlight and UV light, massive snowfall, other elements constantly interact with your roof causing its wearing and leading to damage worsening. This is the cumulative effect of all these annual and relentless weather factors. They can create significant roof damage and impact your home’s interior. To keep your roof and home in a good condition, make sure you follow these tips from a roof storm damage repair contractors on what to do after Cyclone roof damage happens to your home.

Types of Severe weather roof damage

After a strong storm hits your area, you should go on your roof and assess the possible roof damage it might have caused, or have a professional look at your roof. If you do have damage, you should get Cyclone roof damage repair immediately. Here are the main types of roof storm damage.

Wind damage

Some of the biggest dangers of strong wind storms are the deterioration of your shingles and the debris falling onto your roof and damaging it. Shingles can lift, come off, be punctured, or fly away, leaving your roof prone to water leaks. The most obvious sign is missing shingles. Some wind damage may not be easy to spot. In this case, it is better to contact a Cyclone roof damage contractor and have a professional inspect your roof.

Hail damage

Hail damage is common in the spring and fall and is a major threat to the integrity of your roof. You might be able to notice a distinct pattern of small round-shaped divots on the edges of the shingles. Another sign is that there are round indents in the metal of your flashing. They typically look like repeated round spots all over your roof and flashing. Performing a thorough inspection followed by a Cyclone roof damage repair after a hail storm will help you avoid more serious damage and more expensive repairs.

Rain damage

The most common of all roofing issues, rain roof damage is also the most noticeable of all the types of storm damage that happens to your roof. A popular consequence is a leaking roof. Your roof’s lifelong enemy is water, and when it leaks, problems start to happen. Rain damage signs might include mold, rot, leaks, and structural damage. It can require a roof replacement.

Now that you have assessed the roof storm damage and can roughly evaluate its extent, it is time to start looking for a Gale roof damage contractor. ARR Contractors is an experienced contractor in Plano, TX so don’t wait and call ARR Contractors at (972) 266-6677 to schedule a free inspection.